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Knowledge Alliance of Business Idea Assesment: Digital Approach. 


Developed under Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances


Project number: 612542-EPP-1-2019-1-LV-EPPKA2-KA

Implementation time: from 01/11/2019 till 30/10/2022


The created new artificial intelligence (AI) tool for assessment of business ideas will offer new opportunities for developing the practical application of entrepreneurial skills, especially it will enhance decision making in the relation of adoption of new ideas leading to innovations. The project intellectual output will be framed as an innovative module to be embedded in the existing curricula of higher education institutions including different corporate training programs.


Role of ArtSmart - Partner & Co-Developer


KIDPRENEURSHIP - development of the Entrepreneurship mind set in our kids. 


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 School Education

Project number:  2020-1-LV01-KA201-077505 

Implementation time: from 01/10/2020 till 30/11/2022


The OBJECTIVES of the project are:

Development and implementation of innovative practices of teaching Entrepreneurship for children and increase sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among children starting from age of 5 years..


Main DIRECT results of the project:

1) Developed KIDpreneurship module for 5-7 and 8-10 year old kids

2) Developed mentoring methodology and e-learning course module for teachers

3) Developed network of teachers and organisations who teach KIDpreneurship


Role of ArtSmart - Leading Partner & Developer of the proposal, development of the e-learning modules


mind-set project

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Development of the Entrepreneurial MIND-SET in creative persons 


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education ("Covid19 Call")

Project number:  2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094532

Implementation time: from 01/03/2021 till 31/12/2022


The OBJECTIVES of the project are:

  • Development and implementation of innovative practices of teaching Entrepreneurship MIND-SET to creative persons

  • Increase sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among people from creative industries

Materials will be developed on the following topics of Entrepreneurial Mind-Set: Decisiveness, Goal Setting, Confidence, Accountability, Resilience and Humility. 


Role of ArtSmart - Leading Partner & Developer of the proposal,

Development of the e-learning modules


 Inclusive Digital Education - a Tool to Understand Circular Economy


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 Higher Education ("Covid19 Call")

Project number:  2020-1-LV01-KA226-HE-094519

Implementation time: from 01/03/2021 till 28/02/2023


The OBJECTIVES of the project are:

  • To develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy // Green Business theme;

  • To improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality inclusive digital education.


Role of ArtSmart - Idea and complete design of the proposal (including partnership), development of the e-learning modules

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-07 at

Family BUsiness Library

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Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centres 


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education

Project number:  2020-1-LV01-KA204-077548

Implementation time: from 01/10/2020 till 31/05/2022

Project result platform is under this link


The OBJECTIVES of the project are:

  • Development and implementation of innovative practices of teaching Entrepreneurship  to people living in regional and rural areas.

  • Increase sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among people living in regional and rural areas.

  • Develop a system where libraries serve as a centres for rural entrepreneurship development.


Role of ArtSmart - Leading Partner & Developer of the proposal, development of the e-learning modules

3rd reading age

Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centres 


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education

Project number:  2020-1-HR01-KA204-077729

Implementation time: from 01/09/2020 till 31/12/2022


The  Project aims to contribute to a measurable and visible:

  • Increase of accessibility to new communication technologies for older adults and develop the reading culture among citizens aged 60+

  • Development of competences for educators and library staff working with older adults so they can adapt their teaching to their local context and learner needs

  • Development of new educational material and resources aimed at activating older adults in the digital space.


Role of ArtSmart - Partner,  development of the e-learning modules

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"bASic Stem compETences for migrantS”


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education

Project number:   2020-1-SE01-KA204-077926

Implementation time: from 31/12/2020 till 31/12/2022


ASSETS aims at promoting and developing relevant and high quality skills and competences related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) for migrants, who pursue to promote their career in relevant job positions, either as employees or self-employed. Moreover, ASSETS promotes social inclusion of migrants in EU countries by empowering them to enter the job market through newly acquired competencies.


Role of ArtSmart - Parter, development of interactive e-learning materials

Digital personal investing

Digital personal investing: available to anyone


Developed under NordPlus

Project number:  NPAD-2020/10216

Implementation time: from 01/10/2020 till 30/09/2022


Role of ArtSmart - Partner


Shape it green



Developed under NordPlus

Project number:   NPAD-2021/10110

Implementation time: from 01/01/2021 till 31/01/2023



There are a lot of learning materials in different levels of education on how to start a business. Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to everywhere, incl. Northern Europe.

To overcome these challenges, new modern, resource-efficient Circular Economy (CE) or Green Business strategies are needed to be implemented in as much business as possible and there is a scarce offer of training tools on CE and Green Business. In order to solve this challenge the project will develop a modern digital e-learning course module "Shape it GREEN" which will help new and existing entrepreneurs to shape their business in Greener direction.


Role of ArtSmart - Project coordinator, development of interactive e-learning materials


Developed under Erasmus+ Small Partnership

Project number:  

Implementation time: from 04/04/2022 till 04/10/2023


"Women and girls around the world need to be educated and informed about ways to develop themselves and to embrace their nature being this the first step towards women empowerment. Women who embrace the true nature are confidence and develop a strong self-esteem are crucial for safer and better communities" - Nora Huerta.


Role of ArtSmart - Partner


interactive videos

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"Interactive Videos for the Greener Future”


Developed under NordPlus

Project number:   NPAD-2021/10072

Implementation time: from 01/05/2021 till 31/10/2022


In this development project interactive educational videos are developed to accelerate the digital and green transition. Interactive videos allow and require actions of the users, like answering quizzes, identifying asked objects, choosing alternative story paths etc. Technically interactivity layer is embedded on the top of the conventional video by using purposeful software.

Project outcomes represent fundamental novelty value for the greener future. Interactive videos guide towards next steps by opening the way to gamification of video focused learning environments and totally new possibilities for the advanced learning analytics.


It has significantly enhanced our technical expertise in creating digital education content. The methodologies and techniques we have acquired through this project are now being effectively implemented across our other projects, demonstrating the valuable and lasting impact of this experience on Art-Smart as an organization.


Role of ArtSmart - Partner

Carbon Neutral Schools


"Carbon Neutral Schools”


Developed under Erasmus+ KA2 School Education

Project number: 2022-1-LV01-KA220-SCH-000087419

Implementation time: from 01/10/2022 till 31/03/2025


The transition to a climate-neutral society is both an urgent issue and a chance to create a better future for everyone. 


In order to promote competitiveness and strengthen the local economy overall, the project aims to hasten carbon-neutrality-supporting activities through educational initiatives. Schools will have the chance to teach pupils how to assess various types of evidence and come to their own judgments in order to become conscientious citizens through the teaching of carbon-neutrality. Students need to understand how organizations and people deal with significant difficulties and how they fit into the overall picture. Teaching them about climate change alone is not enough.



Role of ArtSmart - Coordinator



The Driving Urban Transitions Partnership is supported by the European Commission


Funded under the Horizon Europe co-funded Partnership scheme

Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-16), under Grant Agreement no. 101069506


TransScale, an innovative research project advancing sustainability through urban circularity and resource sharing in European small communities.


The project addresses environmental challenges in cities and rural areas, focusing on solutions that promote economic, social, and environmental well-being. By collaborating with municipalities, NGOs, and local stakeholders, TransScale will develop models to slow, narrow, or close material loops while offering socio-economic services. Through Future Literacy Labs, Policy Labs, and a learning platform, the project will challenge conventional thinking and provide lasting insights for sustainable urban practices.


Role of ArtSmart - Partner

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