E-Learning course modules developed by ArtSmart
ArtSmart is capable to develop Interactive E-learning Modules with modern authoring tools.
Interactive E-learning means a lot of visual materials, for example photos, short video or different quizzes. All materials can contain interactive solutions (please see below examples).
These kind of materials can be either a informal education material (adult self education, quizzes and tests for testing the knowledge) and then they can be published on any freely accessible webpage (e-learning course materials can be developed responsive to mobile devices. Materials can also be part of formal education, as modules supports SCORM and if published on Learning Management System (LMS), materials can be used only with authorisation and the module can provide all necessary information to the teacher to make an evaluation to the student.
Info Page Examples
The module below shows different functionality of how to structure and present information in the interactive e-learning course module, e.g. Hotspots – buttons that can be put either on specific places on pictures or videos, that on pushing reveal extra information. Very effective to emphasize important details (for example look at slides #4; 5 or 11 where hotspots are used as part of timeline (also applicable to any "step by step" kind of information.
Examples for Click and Reveal type of (info) pages
In Click & Reveal type slides there are buttons that can be pressed with purpose to reveal additional information. These type of slides are suitable when there is a lot of information and not all should be presented at once (too much visible information can make a bad impression that the course contains a lot of material and thus could be boring - so this functionality helps to structure the information and present it step by step.